Tailor-made training in the ophthalmological industry: A unique opportunity to learn from the best
Yesterday the Barraquer Institute held its Annual General Meeting 2022, a yearly event that has gone back to being held in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic.
After Prof. Rafael I. Barraquer, chairperson of the Governing Board of the Barraquer Institute opened proceedings and Eva Gomis, Teaching Coordinator at the organisation, gave a presentation, the meeting began with the appointment of the members for the year 2022: Dr. Joaquín Uris, La Caixa Foundation and Dr. Anna Roig Serra along with her team from the Group of Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites ICMAB-CSIC.
Then, the diplomas were handed out to the Cooperadores de Mérito (Distinguished Contributors) for 2021: the Embassy of Qatar, Teladoc Health, Alcon Experience Academy and Versió RAC1. In addition, going back to holding this event in person gave us the opportunity to hand out the Cooperadores de Mérito diplomas for 2019 (the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Generali, Glaukos and Barcelona Medical Destination) and the Cooperadores de Mérito diplomas for 2020 (Embassy of the State of Kuwait, ICEX, General Optica and Sanitas).
Leopoldo Abadía also participated in the meeting. The high-profile economist and writer closed the event with his talk El mundo de hoy visto con optimismo por un senior de siempre (Today's world seen with optimism by an old soul), an inspiring chat enjoyed by all the attendees.