
Simulator 3D Open Enrollment

3D Surgery simulator - Vitreoretinal module

    Date October – June
    Location Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre
    Modality Presential

Training description

At the Barraquer Institute, we are committed to innovation applied to learning with tools such as 3D virtual surgery tools. You can use this cutting-edge technology to access an interactive training programme in diagnosis and surgical skills. You will be able to operate as much as you need, without any risk to real patients, until you achieve the desired results. 

We train professionals who are highly qualified in ophthalmic subspecialisms.


Interactive and latest generation 3D Simulator: Work in a realistic simulation environment with tools like the scleral notch and a victrectomy machine endolight and endolaser-equipped. Advanced equipment, including stereo-operating microscope and total control over focus and zoom. 

Structured training: The enabling program is imparted in a structured manner, guiding you step by step toward the desired stardards of accomplishment. 

Adaptive contents: All contents are adaptive according to your level of competence, ensuring a personalized and effective learning process. 

Thorough evaluation: At the end of each session, the simulator will provide a thorough evaluation and a detailed skill-assessment report to mesure your progress. 

Packs duration: 

  • 5 hours (minimum) 
  • 10 hours 
  • 20 hours
  • 30 hours (maximum) 

Mentored training: You’ll be receiving an initial training from an ophthalmologist instructor, as well as having at your disposal a number of consultation hours to benefit from during the time of your stay. Request further information to know which training package best suits your needs. 

Vitreoretinal training modules

The retina module helps to develop essential vitreoretinal surgery skills to improve competences in complex tasks such as posterior hyaloid detachment, peripheral vitrectomies, exfoliation of the internal limiting membrance (ILM), epiretinal membrane peeling and retinal detachment with oil or a gas tamponade. You will work in a realistic simulation environemnt, using a scleral notch and a vitrectomy machine, with variable lighting in the light tube and an endolaser.  

Complete VRT Module: With an estimated duration of 30 hours, our program will allow you to polish your skills at your own pace. 


VTR-A Introduction  VTR-B Beginner  VTR-C Advanced 
Navigation and equipment  Navigation and equipment  Navigation and equipment 
Non-dominant hand training  Non-dominant hand training  Posterior hyaloid detachment 
Bimanual navigation  Bimanual navigation  Epiretinal membranes 
  Posterior hyaloid detachment  Membrana limitante interna
  Epiretinal membranes  Retinal detachment 
  Internal limiting membrane  Non-dominant hand training 

Admission profile

  • Ophthalmologists 
  • Ophthalmology residents (starting from 3rd year of residency) 
  • Available for doctors who hold a demonstrable B2 English level (Intermediate-Advaced) 
