The most common eye injuries at work
The retina is the posterior layer of the eye and it transforms the light and images entering the eye into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. Retinal detachment occurs when the neurosensory retina (the layer where the light sensitive cells are located) separates from the pigmentary epithelium and liquid accumulates in the space between them. This means nutrition and blood flow to the neurosensory retina is cut off, which can, on occasions, lead to an irreversible loss of vision.
Retinal detachment risk factors
It has an incidence rate of 1 in 15,000 and can occur at any age.
The symptoms of retinal detachment are very varied and may coexist in the same patient.
Sudden appearance of any of the symptoms described, especially flashes of light, already indicate that the retina is torn or broken, but when treated early with retinal photocoagulation, the patient will avoid subsequent retinal detachment.
In the event that retinal detachment has already been determined, treatment will almost always entail surgery and not undergoing it immediately could lead to irreversible loss of vision.
It is important to get regular check-ups, at least once a year, particularly for populations at risk. It is also essential to review the retina of the contralateral eye of patients with a personal history of retinal detachment, in order to detect at-risk peripheral lesions and give them pre-emptive treatment before the disease starts to set in.
Treatment is almost always surgery. There are two surgical techniques that can be used separately or combined.
In the majority of cases, treatment cures retinal detachment although in some isolated cases, several surgical procedures may be required.