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I thought it would be interesting to write about topic that interests all pregnant women: vaccinations. And why's that? Because in the flu vaccination campaign pregnant women are one of the population groups for which the vaccination is recommended. However, it's true that when I bring up the topic with my patients in the consultation room, I usually get the same reaction from all of them: Are you sure I should get the vaccination? It's all a bit unclear to me... What vaccinations are indicated during pregnancy? Is it safe to get the vaccination while I'm pregnant? Keep on reading this article. I hope to answer all these questions!
Which vaccinations are recommended nowadays for pregnant women?
Commercial vaccines in Spain are inactivated vaccines (their basis is a non-active virus), meaning they do not pose any risk to a pregnant woman nor her foetus. During pregnancy, the flu can be a serious illness, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, which is why the vaccination is indicated during the flu vaccination campaign. Not only will this reduce the risk of the mother getting sick but it will also protect the baby during its first few months of life.
Which vaccinations are not safe during pregnancy?
All vaccines made with attenuated microorganisms are contraindicated during pregnancy, as theoretically speaking, the baby could be at risk of infection. These vaccines are:
What vaccinations are advised before pregnancy?
If you're thinking about pregnancy and you tell your gynaecologist, they will normally ask you for a blood sample, which tests if you are immune to certain types of infectious diseases that it's convenient to already have had before pregnancy (or to have received a vaccination against). And if you haven't had these illnesses or you've lost immunity over the years and don't have enough antibodies, vaccines will be indicated. It's good to have these vaccines "updated" before you fall pregnant:
The period you must wait between the administration of the last dose of the vaccination and falling pregnant is one month in the case of chicken pox and MMR.
Anyhow, when pregnant before you receive any vaccines, I'd recommend that you see your gynaecologist to assess your case individually. OK?
Sofía Fournier Fisas
Author of “Voy a ser mamá ¿y ahora qué?” (I'm going to be a mum. Now what?) published by Planeta.
Author of the blog
Myopia is not a contraindication for vaginal delivery, nor does the eye prescription increase due to pregnancy. The gynecologist Sofía Fournier helps us debunk some of the urban legends about pregnancy, childbirth and eye health to reassure all mothers-to-be.