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With the arrival of good weather, we spend more hours outdoors and do more recreational activities, which is why many people who usually wear glasses choose to wear contact lenses. Its use facilitates a more active and flexible lifestyle, as long as we ensure that they are well cleaned and cared for. For this reason, we offer you a series of tips to guarantee its correct handling.
Although there are different types of lenses and each of them requires a specific action depending on their specifications and durability, there are general recommendations that work for all of them.
Cleaning and proper handling of contact lenses is essential to take care of our eye health and avoid the appearance of infections or other visual problems. Obviously, wash your hands before putting on or taking off the contact lenses. It is also extremely important to keep them with a cleaning and disinfection solution in a case suitable for each type of lens. This solution must be changed daily. We must never use hydrogen peroxide without neutralizing or alcohol, as they can cause serious eye damage. In addition, it is advisable to change the case approximately every month to avoid the appearance of germs that can contaminate the lenses.
Experts recommend limiting continuous lens wear to ten hours. From that time on, it is necessary to give the eyes a rest and allow them direct contact with fresh air. Although this is the general recommendation, if our eyes show any sign of inflammation, irritation, discomfort or pain, we must remove the lenses immediately.
Night use
In general, you shouldn't sleep with your contact lenses in. This act can have serious consequences for your eye health, such as the appearance of ulcers or micro injuries and this can facilitate severe infections. You can only wear them at night when they are specifically prescribed for that purpose.
Despite the myths that exist about the use of glasses by the little ones, there is no specific age to start wearing them. There are cases in which, depending on the refractive defect or previous pathology, when babies should use them. For children to make good use of lenses, it is important that their families make sure that they follow all the guidelines recommended by the professionals who have advised them. Whenever possible, the use of single-use soft lenses is recommended to reduce the patient's responsibility for handling and cleaning.
Situations to avoid
Although the use of contact lenses allows us greater flexibility to carry out our daily activities, there are still situations in which we must avoid wearing them. It is not recommended to use them in very humid environments such as saunas, nor in dusty settings or in extreme temperatures, such as a desert. Its use should be avoided during water activities. In both cases, if we want to carry out these activities, both in the water and in extreme weather situations, it is recommended to use specific glasses to protect our eyes (sunglasses or diving glasses).
If you notice any sign of abnormality, you should always go to the professional in charge of their follow-up.
Eloi Rodriguez
Contactologist at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre
El uso de lentes de contacto está más que extendido, pero muy pocos lo hacen correctamente. La clave está en la supervisión por parte de un oftalmólogo y un contactólogo. Nos explican todas las recomendaciones nuestro responsable de contactología, Eloi Rodríguez, y el doctor Jose Lamarca.