Changes in vision during pregnancy: causes and care
Adopting a series of healthy habits and to taking certain preventive measures is essential to maintaining eye health. We explain what these ten rules are, which everyone, both adults and children, should follow in order to care for their eyes and our vision.
In order to detect as soon as possible any eye problems and vision defects (myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness),it is advisable to perform eye examinations every year. Macular degeneration and glaucoma, among other diseases, have a better prognosis if detected and treated early. Uncorrected refractive errors are subject to a visual effort with difficulty focusing, eye strain and headaches.
It is necessary to keep healthy eating habits to maintain good visual function. Vitamins A, C and E, minerals such as zincand selenium, pigments such as lutein and zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the retina, and slow down the aging of these eye structures. These substances are found in vegetables, fruits, blue fish, shellfish and nuts.
They should supplement the diet in cases of sick or elderly people without adequate alimentation, and in patients with eye diseases requiring an increased intake of the same.
The ocular surface remains transparent through the lubrication of the tear film. When blinking, we coat the eye with the film. When we stare at a computer, TV, or a book, we reduce the blinking frequency and amplitude. This causes dry eyes with onset of discomfort such as redness, pain and tearing reflexively. To avoid them, it is advisable to use artificial tears, both in these kind of situations, as well as in adverse environmental conditions (heating, air conditioning, smoke, etc.)
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) causes acute and chronic changes in all structures of the eye. It is essential to shield them, even on cloudy days, with approved sunglasses with maximum protection (filter against UV rays). We must not use those sunglasses that do not meet these characteristics.
When facing an eye contamination caused by a foreign body or some chemical, it is advisable to immediately wash your eyes with abundant clean water, before going to the ophthalmologist. Never rub your eyes.
Playing sports with the appropiate glasses. These will not only protect the eyeballs from solar radiation but also from trauma and damage caused by environmental factors, such as wind, dust and sand.
Proper lighting is essential to reduce eyestrain. For reading, wemust place the light source behind us and focus on the book. When working with a computer or watching television, we must avoid any reflections of light that may appear on the screen.
Ocular structures are responsible for accommodation (focus), and relaxing them periodically also reduces visual stress when sustaining a long task. We therefore recommend looking away from the focused object (display, book), every 15-20 minutes for about 10-15 seconds.
Educating children and raising public awareness about the necessary measures to care for their eyes, those organs that allow us to discover and enjoy the wonders that surround us, means to ensure good eye health for the future and prevent numerous eye diseases that could be avoided by following these guidelines.