Medical team

Dr. Francisco Ruiz Tolosa

He is a graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, and is specialist in ophthalmology. He also qualified in Optometry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His sub-specialism is anterior segment surgery and glaucoma, the Department which he currently coordinates. He is a member of the Barraquer University Institute teaching team and works as the coordinator of the glaucoma classes taught in the Centre. He has participated in numerous anti-glaucoma drug studies, evaluating their efficacy and safety as well as different surgical techniques for the treatment of glaucoma.  

Professional activity

  • He is an ophthalmologist in the Cataract and Glaucoma Departments at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre.
  • He is also a lecturer on the Master’s courses at the Barraquer Institute
  • He is a consultant on the publication Anales de Oftalmología
